
Showing posts from April, 2012

Visits, New Family Members & Procrastination:

I feel as if I’ve been neglecting my poor dear blog, and I swear, I really don’t mean to! I’ve had a sticky note that says “Update Blog!” on it stuck to my desk for days, but it seems to continue to get buried under other stick notes with to do lists, reminders, etc. It’s easy to forget how hectic it can be to juggle working 40+ hours a week, life’s demands, and creating art! It’s something I’ve always struggled with & since I’m only human, it’s something I’ll probably always struggle with it. How do people do it? I’ve always thought I was a great multi-tasker, but maybe not with such big things! None the less, I have lots of updates, so grab something to drink and brace yourself: 

My mom came down from Michigan last weekend which was beyond amazing! I haven’t seen her in quite some time (and she hasn’t been to Ohio since October) so it was a much needed visit. We spent time thrifting, watching movies, catching up, and of course, eating at some local Cleveland gems! And naturally,...