Visits, New Family Members & Procrastination:
I feel as if I’ve been neglecting my poor dear blog, and I swear, I really don’t mean to! I’ve had a sticky note that says “Update Blog!” on it stuck to my desk for days, but it seems to continue to get buried under other stick notes with to do lists, reminders, etc. It’s easy to forget how hectic it can be to juggle working 40+ hours a week, life’s demands, and creating art! It’s something I’ve always struggled with & since I’m only human, it’s something I’ll probably always struggle with it. How do people do it? I’ve always thought I was a great multi-tasker, but maybe not with such big things!
None the less, I have lots of updates, so grab something to drink and brace yourself:
My mom came down from Michigan last weekend which was beyond amazing! I haven’t seen her in quite some time (and she hasn’t been to Ohio since October) so it was a much needed visit. We spent time thrifting, watching movies, catching up, and of course, eating at some local Cleveland gems! And naturally, I busted out the Instax! Like I need another reason, right? My mom managed to snag the “better” ones, but I thought I’d share the ones she left me with anyways – since I still love them!
We tried to go down to the lake on her second day here, but of course, it was beyond freezing that day! The day before had been something like 70 and sunny, and that Saturday was in the 40’s I think. Plus when you’re by the water, it’s even colder!
I also took some photos of the ones she was taking, just so I could sort of have my own copy. When I was snapping this with my cell phone she asked me what I was doing and I replied, “taking photos of photos… that way I can still have them in a way.” She then asked me “does that work?” which made me laugh a bit. Of course it works – I can still look at this and remember them, and that’s the point!
Saying goodbye is always a hard thing, but it’s becoming a bit easier thanks to things such as Skype. Plus, we’ve been doing this for almost a year now, and we know that the goodbye isn’t for long.

None the less, I have lots of updates, so grab something to drink and brace yourself:
My mom came down from Michigan last weekend which was beyond amazing! I haven’t seen her in quite some time (and she hasn’t been to Ohio since October) so it was a much needed visit. We spent time thrifting, watching movies, catching up, and of course, eating at some local Cleveland gems! And naturally, I busted out the Instax! Like I need another reason, right? My mom managed to snag the “better” ones, but I thought I’d share the ones she left me with anyways – since I still love them!
* Note: I'm incredibly awkward at taking photos of myself with Photo Booth!
In other camera related news, I finally purchased my new digital baby. Now, I’m a film lover at heart, but I have to give digital credit where credit is due. It has its perks – especially when photographing weddings and whatnot. I’d been savin’ my pennies for months and it’s finally time to call her mine! Parting with my old camera was a challenge within itself. Call me sentimental, but I get attached! I haven’t had much time to experiment with her yet, but I’ll be traveling north over Easter weekend, so I’m sure I’ll have lots of photos to share after that!
I’m still working on my new body of work. Slowly but surely. (More slowly than surely, as of lately.) Things at work are picking up, my life is becoming more and more hectic, and by the time I get home I just want to throw on the ol’ sweats and relax. I need to get out of that groove and get back to creating some more though! I swear, I’ll share it soon enough!
On another one of those sticky notes floating around is a reminder to “scan film!” as well. I finally got my film back from our shoot a while ago (at the abandoned clothing factory), but again, I’m procrastinating. That’s one of my main goals for this week, even if they’re just “rough scans” to see what they look like! I swear, one of these days I’ll get around to everything. I hope.
Like I said before, I don’t know how people do all of this (and more)! I’m an avid list maker and time manager, but maybe I just have to kick it up to the next level and plan my time even better. I promise that I’ll get better eventually!
how do you like the t2i so far? i'm not sure about it yet, but i think it's just unfamiliarity and getting used to a new camera. i was so used to my old one.