Six Years Later ...

First Day of Spring 2018 Instax Mini Film I’m not really sure where to even begin this post .. but I suppose that picking up where I left off is as good of an idea as any. October of 2012. It’s hard to believe I had just had my surgery two months before my last post. It’s even harder to believe that this August, I will be 6 years post-op. Six. Isn’t it crazy how when you look back on life, it almost always seems like time passes in the blink of an eye? Since then, so much has happened. I’ve moved back to Michigan - I actually moved back home for a few years. The guy that I was dating way back then, is now in prison. (We split long before his most recent turn of events, but still..) That’s a whole different story. I’m currently living with my boyfriend of three years (in Michigan) and I’m definitely creating way less than before. I find myself often trying to figure out why … but the fact of the matter is, I’m not sure if I have a good enough reason. I’m act...