Another night with little (or next to no) sleep has left my here, staring at my computer screen, finishing up a wedding I shot in June and working on another new piece for my latest body of work. It also left me realizing that my desktop has become quite cluttered (something that I absolutely cannot stand) and realizing that I have two pieces I haven't shared yet . When I was uploading them, I noticed they somehow shared a similar color palette, which is pure coincidence.. although they were created one after another. Maybe that happened to carry over accidentally. None the less, I'm really pleased with the way both of these pieces have turned out, so I figured it was time to share them!

Untouchable. 12"x12"

Dismal Existence. 4"x3"
And like I said, I'm currently working on another, which I feel like is so close to being finished as well. I decided to do something different with this one, so you'll have to check back to see what that is! Oh, and hopefully this weekend I'll be posting about the wedding I shot back in early June - a little change of pace around here (always a good thing, if you ask me)!
I'm really excited about how this body of work is coming together, and I'm even more excited to see how it evolves once I have my surgery and [hopefully] creating while I'm recovering after my surgery. None the less, I hope you're enjoying them as much as I am, and like I said, check back often over the next few days //weeks - not only for the photos of the most adorable & loving couple ever, but for my newest piece!
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