
Jennifer Elias Photography

Jennifer Elias Photography

Jennifer Elias Photography

Jennifer Elias Photography

I finally got around to scanning some of the images from a wintery beach adventure AJ and I had last month! It was a total spur of the decision where we just decided to grab our 35s and drive out to Lake Erie to see what we could find - and I'm really glad we did! These are just a few of my favorite shots from that day, you can see more (and larger versions) here.

I don't know what it is, but there is just something so appealing about the beach's landscape in the winter time. While I'm thankful we had an exceptionally warm and short season, I'm always left wishing I could have shot something more. Maybe it's the fact that the lake never really froze this year and I wasn't able to capture certain things I had hoped to. There's always next year though!

And really, who can complain about Spring making an early arrival, right?


  1. i love the beach in the winter too, it lends itself so well to desaturation, which i know you love! :) i've been wanting to go out to grand haven but i feel like i shoot there too much!

  2. Ahh! I totally understand. Just yesterday we were going to go out and shoot, but I always end up at the same places! I think there's just something about the absence of people that make it seem interesting on a whole new level though... who knows! All I know is if it's Winter, I'm drawn to the beach where I freeze, shake, and whine about shooting the whole time!

  3. Love looking at your pictures!!! Keep up the good work Jenni, Havent seen ya since Graduation, looks like your doing what you love.


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