Since the weather has been absolutely beautiful today, AJ & I finally decided to go check out this building near downtown Cleveland that we've been aching to photograph. I took along my new Instax Wide to snap a few shots as well, and I think it's safe to say I'm absolutely head over heels in love with it!
Here are the shots I snapped with it:

This building is absolutely beautiful - I feel like the pictures might not do it justice. I also took along my Pentax, so once I get the negatives back from that I'll be scanning those in to share as well.
Oh, and check out this awesome photo AJ snapped of my Michigan tattoo. I'm submitting it to a blog that is all about state tattoos, so I'll be sure to share the link to that once it's up!

I'm so glad we went to check out this building! It's a Cleveland gem, that's for sure. Buildings like this always fascinate me - I want to know more about them... what they used to be, how/when they became vacant, etc. All we know about this one is that it used to be a clothing factory "back in the day". While we were there some guy drove by and asked if we were with the news and if we were doing a report on it, because apparently they've found a lot of dead female bodies inside, but no one ever talks about it. Safe to say that after he told us that, I was pretty creeped out!
I'm really excited to get the negatives back from the rest of today, so be sure to check back for those soon!
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